Kevin Kling is a well-known playwright and storyteller. He lives in Minneapolis. Kevin is best known for his popular commentaries on National Public Radio’s All Things Considered, and his storytelling stage shows like Tales from the Charred Underbelly of the Yule Log, delivers hilarious, often tender stories. Kling’s autobiographical tales are as enchanting as they are true to life: hopping freight trains, getting hit by lightning, performing his banned play in Czechoslovakia, growing up in Minnesota, and eating things before knowing what they are. Kevin Kling describes his zodiac sign as “Minnesota with Iowa rising", and his storytelling started when a friend from the now defunct Brass Tacks Theatre asked him to perform his stories. Since then, he has been awarded numerous awards, arts grants and fellowships. In 2014 Mayor RT Rybak named Kevin “Minneapolis Story Laureate”. Thankfully, Kevin will NOT, we repeat "WILL NOT" play his auto-tuned tuba at the Sounds of the Mountings festival.